1. How is the artwork you make meaningful to you?
A lot of my artwork is based off of my relationships to my friends and family as well as different social or cultural issues that I feel strongly about so it is all very personal and meaningful to me.
2. What piece of artwork was your favorite to make, and why?
Over the summer I created a mixed media acrylic and collage piece using my old waitress checkbooks and at the moment that is one of my favorite pieces since it is so different from everything I’ve made before. It took a lot of time to cut and adhere all those little pieces but I was very happy with the way it all came together!
3. Where’s your favorite place to shop and why?
I love window shopping so I prefer to just wander around the city on a nice day and go into whatever stores look like they may be interesting.
4. What are some of your costume ideas for Halloween?
I am horrible at coming up with costume ideas!! I am such a last minute planner that it never comes together until the day of/night before. Freshman year I was a flapper with some of my friends and that was probably the costume I planned most for. I also was an alien and did the Incredibles before.
5. Do you have a favorite music artist or genre?
I pretty much like anything alternative or indie.
6. What’s your zodiac sign?
I am a Leo!
7. Who are some of your role models that help influence your future as an artist?
My parents and grandmother have always been huge supporters of my art. As for artists, I always loved Claude Monet’s work, especially his water lilies, and Frida Kahlo because I always loved portraits and the symbolism in her work is so striking. Lately, I have also been very inspired by Kehinde Wiley’s work as well. His attention to detail is just astounding and I love how intricate his backgrounds are.
8. Favorite Netflix TV show and why?
I would have to go with The Office because it is just such a good, classic comedy. I always go back to this show when I can’t find anything else to watch, especially the episodes Dinner Party and Stress Relief.
9. Favorite Halloween Movie?
It’s not really a Halloween movie but I always remember watching E.T. around this time of year. Also probably The Corpse Bride! I don’t like to be scared so I don’t watch a lot of horror movies.
1O. One thing you can’t live without…
Some sort of notebook/planner! If I can’t write down all my thoughts or plans I feel like I’m going insane.
11. One thing you love about fall…
I love when the weather is still in between seasons so I can wear jeans and a t-shirt.
12. Favorite Halloween Candy and Why…?
It switches a lot but lately, I really like Snickers because it combines a lot of my favorite parts of other candy bars.