Lucie Edelstein
Interview by Doris Abdolian, Elly Dawson, and William Xu Transcribed by Elly Dawson
Metal Arts
Classes Taken at Harriton
Metals 1, Metals 2, Metals 3H, Metals 4H
Self Introduction
My name is Lucie and I am a junior at Harriton. Ever since freshman year I have been taking metals and instantly knew this is what I wanted to progress in.
Why did you decide to create art?
I enjoy building stuff that is 3-D.
Why did you choose metal over other art forms?
I have an older brother who did metals and whenever he came with a new project it was really interesting. He always talked so highly of Ms. L especially, they were really close, and I wanted to follow in his footsteps. I really enjoy building and making pieces.
Can you give us a brief outline of your creative process working with metal?
Sometimes it was a little bit frustrating because you can't really manipulate it that easily, but at the same time it's really cool to be able to form the pieces together with the torch.
Do you find there is a certain pride in working with metal?
It's very nice because we always do a sketch on paper and being able to see that physically and you actually hold it is always really exciting.
What advice do you have for students who want to be involved artisitcally, but are unsure if they can fit it into their schedules in and out of school?
Art is everywhere so it is still possible to do it even if it does not fit in your schedule. Staying artistically involved can be as easy as drawing or taking pictures of your everyday life. But, there are many options for art at Harriton during and after the school day. I do encourage you to try to fit at least one course while at Harriton because it is an amazing experience. Not only that but after school there is art club and Zenith but during the day there are many possibilities that are all amazing.
What about students going into metal arts specifically?
I think just simply taking the first one and seeing how you like it from there.
Is there advice you’d give to people going into metal arts? Any silly mistakes or things to avoid?
Definitely plan your projects better. I always like to get into actually making it so my plan is always a little bit iffy. But recently I've been putting a little more detail in my planning and my projects have been going a lot more smoothly and I finish more quickly.
Do you listen to music when you make art? Any genre preferences?
I'm really a fan of anything, I have a really big playlist and I just play that.
What other art styles are you interested in?
I am also interested in ceramics as sculptures have always been some of my favorite types of art forms.
Have you had ant ceramics experiences?
I did ceramics 1st semester freshman year. And that's it really
How is metals different from that?
Ceramics are easier, like I said earlier it much easier to to manipulate, because you can very easily add and remove. For metal it is very specific and when it comes to layering you have to be very specific which order you do it in because it can really make or break the whole thing.
Do you find yourself using the things you learned from ceramics in metals?
I mean to a certain extent like looking at how to form stuff. I've utilized it but not really.
From where do you derive inspiration? How does that affect your artwork?
Most of my inspiration comes from my own life. My pieces usually connect to something personal about me ranging from my favorite trip down to my mom’s favorite flowers. I also use nature for a lot of my inspiration as I have always loved being outside.
What do you try to communicate?
A lot of inspiration is from my childhood, so I try to replicate that childhood feeling.
What aspects of your childhood?
A lot of my childhood was spent outside, I wasn't really allowed to watch TV. My mom always had a big garden and a lot of my stuff is nature inspired. I get a lot of that from her, I would spend a lot of my time in that garden with my brothers and I was able to see all the different varieties of plants. I do whatever I think is pretty.
How do you plan to continue your art and incorporate it into your life in the future?
I always like having art in my life, even if it is simple just like deciding what to wear for the day. When I am older and in college I would love to be able to do certain classes, specifically something building related would be cool.
Would you follow an arts path?
I don't think I see myself doing art as the primary focus of my life, but I definitely want it to be a part of my life, I don't want it to just disappear.
What would you say to people who might not want to follow an arts path but want to remain creative?
I think art can be anywhere, it's really easy to go to an art store to buy something like clay and create that way.
As a junior, are you considering AP art classes next year?
AP 3-D.
What theme are you thinking of investigating?
I think i may do something really do something childhood related. I get most of my inspiration for my artwork from my childhood. I like to use memories from my childhood as a foundation for my art pieces.
Now we will shift to less art focused questions. If you could have one wish granted by a magical being, what would it be and why?
I wish I could travel in the future without a concern of financial stuff.
What country would you want to visit the most?
Iceland to see the Northern Lights.
Favorite high school memory?
I know we haven’t had them recently but I really love the Wellness Days, I was able to spend the whole day friends even if I don't have class with them. It was always such a great time.
What has been the best part of your junior year?
I’ve met a lot of new people and they’re all wonderful.
Speed Round:
Favorite restaurant?
Taco place in Drexel Hill
Favorite ice-cream?
Phish Food Ben and Jerry’s
Favorite Animal?
Favorite Color?
Not really
Favorite Book?
Favorite TV Series?
Favorite food?
Favorite drink/coffee/tea
Thai Iced Tea
Favorite Song?
Blackbird - The Beatles.
Favorite Movie? Animated Movie?
Pulp Fiction
Lucie Edelstein