This is almost the same deal with Man of the Mountains, except this woman has some great sense of fashion. I found her photo portrait in a book about different Chinese ethnicities, and it's her clothes and jewelry that made me want to draw her.
I drew this as a practice, and I'm glad to say it turned out pretty well.
Jack Sparrow
"You will always remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow." It was a birthday present for one of my Pirates of the Caribbean fanatic friends.
Featured Freshman Spotlight: Maria Wang
By Lily Strailey and
Maria Wang
Wise Eyes
I can't seem to find this man anywhere except the reference photo I used. All I know is that he's from a Times article and he's a climate change advocate, which is enough for me because honestly, global warming is a real thing we all need to accept.
Fourth Dimensional Soul
I started this one in the middle of 8th grade. I felt like doodling, and the closest piece of paper was a watercolor paper. I started with the eyeball in the very center and then drew the second eyeball. At this time, I'd started thinking about what I could do with these two 'strategically' placed eyeballs, and decided to create a sort of abstract representation of a human. The eyeballs, nose, and mouth are all on what looks like flawless skin with a deep gash, and seemingly hovering above the paper. I meant to have this as the 'outer layer' of the person. The shapes are their emotions, and the ropes coming out of their mouth are their words.
Man of the Mountains
I was browsing portraits one day, and I saw this man and his smile. I wanted to capture his happiness on paper. His joy, or so I imagine, comes from his carefree life as a tribesman in China.
Great Grandpa Wang
My great grandparents were landlords in Mao China. Disclaimer: some people love Mao, some people don't, my family history just happens to be conflicting with the ideas of a communist China. If you don't already know, Mao's army went around the country killing landlords and other educated people, distributing their land to the less fortunate. My great-grandfather was spared, because, according to my dad, he was an extremely nice man. This summer (I drew this last December), I visited my dad's childhood home and my great grandparents, great great grandparents, and great great great grandparents graves in an extremely rural part of China, around two hours drive away from Sichuan. One of my dad's two brothers lives on a small family farm where the graves are. This family farm is only a small portion of the hills and hills and hills and hills of land that my ancestors worked hard to buy. To this day, the government hasn't given back our land. The photo that this drawing was based on was a grainy, and overall poor quality photo (although it was considered good for the period, and won a few photography awards). To keep my great grandparent's legacy, I decided a better quality version of that photo in a drawing.
Interview by Lily Strailey
1. What messages do you hope are conveyed through your art?
I like to do portraits. Even when I am just drawing a person, I enjoy capturing more than just representation of the person in my art.
2. Favorite piece you have ever made and why?
I think the portrait of the senior man is my favorite because I like how he is gazing at the viewer.
3. Why do you think art is so relevant in high school?
I like that I can just sit down and draw, with no deadlines. It’s not stressful. You don’t have to write essays in your art unless you want to :-).
4. Favorite media to work in and why.
Graphite, because I have had way more experience in it than any other style… painting… watercolors. I enjoy painting, but I haven't had as much experience with it.
5. If you could have one wish granted, what would it be and why?
More time!
1. Book?
Too many! Too many favorite books. I’ve read so many books that I just love.
2. Movie?
This isn't a movie; it’s a TV series- Sherlock on BBC.
3. Food?
Honestly, I like eating anything that isn't a vegetable.
4. Pizza Topping?
I like eating pizza with vegetables on it, specifically with tomatoes, although they're technically a fruit.
5. Artist?
Imagine Dragons
6. Harriton memory?
I don't have one yet!