By Henry McCullough
Nature Heals
The person's natural state is represented by a leg behind a mess of vines. The green tinge of the video characterizes the plants and the leg. The person experimenting and changing is represented by the leg peaking through the vines, testing the natural bounds. The light turns on in the right side of the frame, and the attention of the person is brought further away from their natural state. The red heel captures the attention of the foot. The foot, trying to fit in to the shoe harms the natural elements. As it pushes through its old restraints, it loses its green color. The visuals evoke the same discomfort that a transformation like this can have. The leg is only able to rest again when the odd unnatural elements are combined with the natural ones. This combination of performing the unnatural while in the comfortable natural domain is where true beauty is found. The foot blooms.
The video captures a metaphysical search for self-worth. Vibrant flowers are hidden in dark places and behind dusty objects. The person arranges and nourishes their most precious flowers until content.
When The Breathing Stops
A faceless and emotionless being wields the industrial tool that carries corruption and destruction. It drains the organic being, consuming its resources and stealing its vibrant color.
Dirty Window, Messy Closet
It is difficult to make a decision about your future if you’re not certain about the meaning of your past. During the end of adolescence, we are expected to decide what we want to do, and where we belong. These questions can be especially difficult for those who aren't sure of their own identity. We imitate others in order to fit in and be accepted. A moment of clarity may come where we realize much of our persona consists of the roles suggested by toys and books. This discovery can be frightening, as we face the unknown. Combing through the memory-laden objects of childhood, we choose what to keep and what to discard. Self reflection is key in order to determine what parts of ourselves are meaningful and what parts are meaningless. Once the ritual of removing the insignificant is complete, one must fill these empty spaces with truth. This meticulous internal process is necessary for those who feel lost in their own body. It is a process that will lead to comfort and confidence.