Dr. Harriton 2021

By Leah Seignourel

11th Grade

Dr. Harriton is coming up on May 21st, except this year it’s going to be a bit different. The contestants are gearing up for competition: Nicholas Biglin, Jared Markowitz, Josh Millrood, Ty Nagvajara, Alec Raphael, Lucas Reiner, Jonny Silverman, and Evan Zales. 

I managed to get a (very exclusive) interview with one Nicholas Biglin. Here are his answers to a few questions I asked him: 

Q: Why is this year different for Dr. Harriton? 

A: We’re all wearing masks, and the audience in person will be limited. 

Q: Do you know who can go in person? 

A: It’s unclear. 

Q: Will there be a virtual viewing of the show? 

A: There’ll be a livestream. 

Q: How has rehearsal been different and how do people feel as the show is approaching? 

A: We have less of the time we usually do, so we’re really grinding hard with rehearsal, no rest days, etc. However, it’s so much fun and a really great experience, best part of my day. 

Q: Is there anything you can hint as to some events or talents? You know, the scoop? 

A: Classified, not for your eyes (you’ll have to come see the show). 

It definitely seems like Dr.Harriton is going to be a lot of fun, and even if not everyone can go in person, I would absolutely recommend catching the livestream if you can. Credit to Nicholas Biglin for taking the time to answer my questions, and don’t forget to vote for your favorite contestant!

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