Laila Stein

Interview by Doris Abdolian, Transcribed by Maya Ash




2-D Art, Digital Art and Graphics, Photography

Classes Taken at Harriton

Communication Design 1, Art 1H, Art 2H, Film Photo 1, Film Photo 2

Self Introduction

I’m currently a junior at Harriton and for my whole life I’ve always been artistic. I’ve always taken my art classes quite seriously and worked to make the best piece I can create, even in elementary school. Including this year, I’ve taken a total of fiver art classes in my three years here, and in that time I’ve created so many pieces that I’m proud of and learned so much that made me a better artist.


What’s your favorite medium to create with?

My favorite medium to create with would definitely have to be the classic, pencil and paper. It’s the one I do the most often. However, in the past year I’ve also grown to like using charcoal. I find it very satisfying to watch my images come to life so quickly with just a charcoal pencil.

What other art styles are you interested in?

An art style that I am very interested in is impressionism. I always find myself amazed by the work of artists like Claude Monet and Edgar Degas, and I’ve even tried to incorporate impressionist styles into my own artwork.

From where do you derive inspiration? How does that affect your artwork?

I can’t say I derive inspiration from any specific artist or platform, but instead I take it from everything I see. Occasionally I’ll come across an artist or a piece of work, online or in person, that I find and amazing and I’ll try to absorb their specific style into my own art. This has definitely had a positive impact on my work because it allows me to bring in a larger variety of artistic methods into my artwork and has helped me develop my own personal style.

What common themes do you explore in your artwork?

I can’t say I’ve ever maintained a common theme throughout my work, but something that I do enjoy creating art of often is colorful outdoor scenes, and pieces with dark and shady aspects as well.

How do you plan to continue your art and incorporate it into your life in the future?

Even though art has been a significant part of my life, when I think about my future in college and beyond, I can’t imagine myself pursuing art as a career. I’ll definitely still take art classes in college but I don’t think I’m interested in following it as a major or minor. But I will certainly continue to make art throughout my life even if it’s not what I do for a living.

What advice do you have for students who want to be involved artistically, but are unsure if they can fit it into their schedules in or out of school?

Personally, I’ve always tried to find a way to fit an art class into my schedule when I request my classes, and I would definitely recommend the same thing to people who are also considering art. But if your schedule doesn’t permit it, I think it’s best to really consider what’s going to be best for you before trying to cram another class into your schedule.

Laila Stein